productive age - vertaling naar russisch
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productive age - vertaling naar russisch

Creative set; Productive set

productive age      
трудоспособный возраст
productive age      
продуктивный возраст; период трудоспособности.
productive age      
производительный возраст (от 15 до 65 лет)


Нью эйдж
("Нью эйдж")

индийский еженедельник, ЦО Коммунистической партии Индии (КПИ). Основан в 1953. Издаётся на английском языке в Дели.

Лит.: Круглов Е. В., Коммунистическая печать Индии, М., 1966.


Creative and productive sets

In computability theory, productive sets and creative sets are types of sets of natural numbers that have important applications in mathematical logic. They are a standard topic in mathematical logic textbooks such as Soare (1987) and Rogers (1987).

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor productive age
1. In skilled professions, training takes a long time and the peak productive age comes later in life.
2. The immigration report estimates that there are 80,000 fewer Missourians because of abortion, many of whom now would have been in a "highly productive age group for workers." The statement connecting abortion to illegal immigration was listed under the report‘s recommendations on federal social policies and potential state legislative action on illegal hiring.